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5 types of reckless driving behaviors
Driving is a privilege that some motorists do not take seriously. Many purposely drive without regard for the safety of themselves or anyone else on the roads. This is known as reckless driving. The consequences can be life-altering for victims and their families.
Males are more likely to engage in dangerous driving behavior than females. According to Statistic Brain, for every single woman who engages in reckless driving, there are 3.41 men who will do the same. Motorists who operate their vehicles carelessly or when distracted are exercising poor judgment and have a blatant disregard for the rules and courtesies of the road and traffic laws. Reckless driving takes many forms:
Drivers who speed put everyone on the roads with them at risk for harm. Speed limits are posted at regular intervals to help regulate traffic flow, make traveling more predictable for motorists and prevent car crashes.
Passing in no-passing zones
Many areas on the road are classified as no-passing zones. These distinctions are in place to avert accidents. Drivers who knowingly pass others in no-passing zones make it hard for other motorists to plan and execute safe and defensive driving maneuvers.
Weaving in and out of traffic
Drivers who weave in and out of traffic to get around other vehicles make it hard for others to correctly guess their intent and increase the risk of collision.
Ignoring traffic signals
Traffic signals add stability and predictability to driving and help direct the flow of traffic to prevent accidents, slow-downs and obstructions. Drivers who cruise or race through traffic lights are essentially gambling with everyone’s safety.
Tailgating is the act of following too closely behind another vehicle. This leaves neither vehicle with enough space to brake safely. There are two kinds tailgating: passive and aggressive. Drivers who tailgate passively do not intend to, but they may not be paying attention and are not aware that they are traveling too closely behind another vehicle. Motorists who aggressively tailgate purposely drive too close to vehicles in an effort to get them to speed up so they can drive faster or pass them.
Reckless driving is preventable. Try to become more aware of when you are exhibiting risky behavior behind the wheel and make a conscious effort to stop. If you are dealing with a situation where reckless driving may have been a factor, you may want to discuss the circumstances with an attorney.