3 tips for celebrating the holidays in a nursing home
While you are looking forward to spending the holiday season with family and friends, it may be a little different this year. Perhaps a parent, grandparent or even a dear friend is in a nursing home this time around. You may be wondering how to celebrate the festivities in this situation.
Observing a holiday in a senior care facility does not need to feel uneventful or sterile. Here are a few tips for having a joyful celebration with a loved one in a nursing home.
1. Talk to the nursing home staff
Before you make plans, discuss the logistics with the staff members. If you are planning to bring multiple relatives, the nursing home may need to prepare a designated party room. This requires planning and preparation. On the other hand, the staff may be comfortable with you taking your loved one out of the nursing home for a day so you can celebrate at home.
2. Decorate the room
One great way to lift the spirits of your loved one is by adding some holiday decor to his or her room. A small, fake tree, some string lights and a few garlands can go a long way to spicing up a room. When your loved one is surrounded by joyful decorations, he or she will feel better throughout the season.
3. Bring holiday food
Ask the nursing home staff about any food restrictions. If possible, you should bring some snacks, meals and treats to your visit. Christmas cookies, fruitcake or an apple pie will help your loved one feel the holiday spirit. Be mindful of any health conditions or medications that may restrict the type of food your loved one can consume.
While it may feel odd at first, it is possible to have a great time with someone in a nursing home. During your interactions with your loved one and nursing home staff, make sure keep an eye out for abuse or neglect.