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Personal Injury Law Blog

Why is “dining and driving” considered a distraction?

Many modern conveniences seem geared toward allowing drivers to remain productive while behind the wheel. Drive-thru restaurants tempt drivers with the notion of multi-tasking during a car ride. Unfortunately, drivers often overlook the dangerous nature of these commonplace activities.

Pervasive conveniences encourage drivers to dine in the vehicle whether it is a student eating breakfast on the way to an early-morning class or a worker having dinner on the way home after a long shift. Unfortunately, this activity can impair a driver’s focus and attention.

While drivers might agree that certain activities such as texting or personal grooming can be distracting while behind the wheel, other activities might not be considered universally hazardous. ExxonMobil surveyed 1,000 drivers to see how common these distractions are. More than 70% of the drivers admitted to eating while behind the wheel. Additionally, more than 83% of the respondents admitted to drinking a beverage while driving. If a distracted driver caused a collision that resulted in your injuries, it is wise to seek legal guidance.