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Personal Injury Law Blog

A rear-end collision can cause more than a mild concussion

Even a low speed, rear-end collision can result in serious consequences such as traumatic brain injury.

To make the situation even more concerning, symptoms of brain damage may not show up for hours or even days after the crash.

Traumatic brain injury facts

There are two forms of TBI: open and closed. In an open TBI, a foreign object pierces the skull and lodges in the brain. In the much more common closed form, the injury results from a blow to the head that affects the normal functioning of the brain. Falls and vehicle crashes are the leading causes of TBI. In fact, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a TBI-related crash was the leading cause of hospitalization for patients aged 15 to 44.

Concussion and TBI

A concussion is a mild form of traumatic brain injury, but it can be a precursor of brain damage that results in thinking and memory issues that can last for years, if not a lifetime. The impact of a rear-end collision can easily cause the victim’s head to strike the steering wheel or windshield. A bump like this may not feel like a serious injury, but prompt medical attention is vital. Early treatment can help manage symptoms such as dizziness, balance issues, headaches, anxiety and problems with concentration or memory.

The value of a medical report

While visiting a doctor soon after a minor vehicle collision is essential in terms of health and well-being, the doctor’s report is also important. When it is time to file a claim for insurance compensation, the report will tie injuries such as a concussion or a more serious TBI directly to the accident, improving the potential for a fair settlement.