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How Do I Report a Hit and Run Case I Witnessed?
If you witness a hit and run accident, you can simply call the local police department to report it. Even if you don’t know for sure if anyone else, such as the driver who experienced the hit and run or other witnesses, has called the police, just do so. Doing so will ensure that the police will respond to the scene as soon as possible and possibly catch up with the hit and run driver.
If you suffered injuries in a hit and run crash, you can also report the accident to the police by contacting them. Next, consider discussing your case with an SC car accident attorney to learn how you can secure compensation to pay for accident-related losses.
As a hit and run accident witness, you should also do the following steps.
Pull Over Safely
If you are driving and witness a hit and run, park your vehicle a safe distance away from the accident scene. Let other people know about the accident by turning on your hazard lights. Do not, under any circumstances, go after the hit and run driver. The driver might have fled for a reason, usually to avoid contact with the police and liability for the accident, so they might be on guard and dangerous.
Check to See If Anyone is Injured
If anyone suffers an injury, call 911 and do not provide first aid or move the injured victim if you’re not qualified unless there’s oncoming traffic or a fire. Otherwise, you risk further injuring the injured victim and exposing yourself to civil liability.
Talk to The Police
After calling the police, don’t leave the accident scene before you’ve had the chance to give your account of what happened. When speaking to the police, give them details of the accident, such as any information about the vehicle of the driver that fled, including the vehicle’s color, license plate number, and model. If you saw the driver, try to describe them as best as you can.
If possible, you should also tell the police what both parties were doing when the crash occurred. Everything you say to the police will be included in their official report, so stick to the facts and be honest. The report will be crucial to determining fault and liability for the hit and run accident. Don’t forget to leave your contact information with the police and the accident victim so they can contact you later if necessary.
Document The Accident Scene
If you can, take photos and videos of the accident scene, including the vehicle that was hit, any skid marks and debris on the road, the road conditions, etc. The accident victim can use this as evidence to support their claim when they file a claim against the liable party. If the accident happened in a parking lot and no one was around, consider leaving a note with your contact information.
Speak to Our SC Car Accident Attorneys Today
If you get into a hit and run accident or any kind of motor vehicle crash, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the SC car accident attorneys at Parham Smith & Archenhold LLC for legal advice. You can arrange your free case evaluation with our SC car accident attorneys by calling 864-242-9008 or filling out our online contact form.